Piloting The Sustainability Grand Challenge

In May 2014 community of practice participants  met to discuss the UoM Sustainable World Grand Challenge pilot event. The event was piloted in order to gain insights into how to approach future ‘grand challenge’ signature events. The Sustainable World event is one of three potential ‘grand challenge’ events being considered as an offer to all UG students at the University. The first year event will address sustainability issues, and in the successive two years the topics will be ‘social justice’ and ‘work place ethics’. Read more

Carbon Literacy Manchester: Curricular Perspectives

In March 2016 Jane Mörk, Senior Research Assistant at Manchester Metropolitan University, talked with the community about curricular perspectives on carbon literacy. This formed the first of two meetings on this subject.

Jane describes the Carbon Literacy project as ‘a world’s first unique training programme that stems from Manchester’s Climate change action plan- Manchester a Certain Future (MACF)’. Read more