Carbon Literacy Manchester: Curricular Perspectives
In March 2016 Jane Mörk, Senior Research Assistant at Manchester Metropolitan University, talked with the community about curricular perspectives on carbon literacy. This formed the first of two meetings on this subject.
Jane describes the Carbon Literacy project as ‘a world’s first unique training programme that stems from Manchester’s Climate change action plan- Manchester a Certain Future (MACF)’.

The aim of her workshop was to share Manchester Met’s experience of delivering Carbon Literacy to students and Jane gave a presentation covering:
• the background to the Carbon Literacy Project.
• the background to Manchester Met’s involvement with the Carbon Literacy Project.
• Manchester Met’s new Carbon Literacy scheme: Carbon Literacy for Students (CL4Ss) and Carbon Literacy facilitator programme.
Jane’s presentation is available Presentation_carbonliteracy_pdfversion (A video of Jane’s talk will be available soon). Following on from her presentation we discussed the relative merits of carbon literacy figuring as:
- an extra-curricular activity;
- integrated into the curriculum;
- an induction week activity.
Jane has kindly pulled together notes on those discussions which are available here: Notes from discussion in meeting