Category: Curio Challenge
The curio challenge has been devised as a means of thinking through how sustainability can be integrated into the curriculum within and across disciplines. We thought that a potential way into this would be for people to choose artefacts or symbols which they feel represent the connection between their subject discipline and sustainability. We are calling these ‘curio’, the word defining objects which are “unusual or intriguing” and which evoke curiosity. What object or artefact expresses the connection between your subject area and sustainability ?
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Alex Dunedin of the Ragged Project (social education project) writes about the curio which...
- Susan Brown asked 10 years ago
- last active 10 years ago
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Susan Brown (Lecturer, Manchester Institute of Education): My chosen curio is a server. ...
- Susan Brown asked 10 years ago
- last active 10 years ago
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Curio courtesy of Prof Colin Hughes. School of Earth, Atmospheric and Environmental Sciences ...
- Susan Brown asked 10 years ago
- last active 10 years ago